I know that I upset a few of you...
I’m sorry.
Its winter and you finally thought you had it right. After 2 years of fighting with every ounce of testosterone in your body, the irrepressible will of your girlfriend, you gave in and now have a cardi in your wardrobe. You’ve psyched yourself up; ready to don your ‘fashion’ item at that Saturday morning breakfast in the hipster café with vinyl mixed-matched chairs rescued from the dumpster next to a Salvos sorting-centre. You had it all clearly pictured in your head; you sitting in your poly-wool, button-up loveliness, next to your deeply satisfied girlfriend (satisfied in a way only a cardigan-ed man could make her..), devouring your baked eggs with a side of goats cheese (praying to God, no mates see you; you big freakin’ twat).
Well, again; I apologise for pissing all over your cardigan-inspired-dream, by making no validating mention of cardies in my first (of a few winter blogs).
I’m not going to beat around the preverbal ball of lint; I think cardigans are a little passé. However, I wanted to post a few styles that will enable you to live out your cardigan moment that you have been brow-beaten into accepting as your own. These ‘chunky-mutha’ versions of grandpa’s favourite cover-up won’t emasculate or dag-ify you like some of the thin insipid styles that have been around for a few seasons now.
Look out for thick-cable knits with toggle-buttons or bright coloured cardigans that button high to the neck.
Enjoy boys!
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Loves youse all!